Monday, May 17, 2004


I would love to say that the past week has been a wonderful one, but to do so would be dishonest. The truth is, I have been in a real funk. And not the cool George Clinton colorful dreadlocks kind of funk where you break out into irregular rythms with heavy bass and jazz influence. Not quite.

Instead, I have been mired in a fog resulting from too much of this world. Violent images from the news of world events, tiresome images from political campaigns, rising prices, diving stocks, the end of Friends.

So what to do?

What do you do when you realize that no matter what you say or how you try to appease them, some people want to kill and destroy you simply because you are from the United States?

What do you do when politics is just a popularity campaign instead of a dedication to leadership?

What do you do when 52 million people tune in to hear Rachel say, "Sex is the best way to say goodbye?"

I guess you try harder to be a light while continuing to pray, "Lord, come quickly."

I think this funk has an expiration date of some day this week. At least I hope so.


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