Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Facing the Winds

On Galveston Bay there is a little community that was settled around 1898 and has long since been swallowed up by the sprawl of Houston. This little town is called Kemah. Kemah is an Indian word meaning "facing the winds." Right now, however, most of the people in that community have the wind at their backs as they are fleeing yet another major hurricane that has found its way into the gulf.

I have been struck by the reaction to Rita as she gathers steam in the gulf. Every person I have heard discuss it has said they hope against hope that Rita does not go the Louisiana or Mississippi coasts. I think I understand that they mean well, but I do not agree. Sure, as someone involved in ranching I would like the rain that would probably reach West Texas if Rita slammed into the Texas coast, but I still do not want Rita to hit in Texas. It is not because I value Texas over Louisiana or Mississippi. Rather, I just happen to think that if one area has been wiped out and another has not, why not not hit the wasteland rather than creating a new one?

Harsh? I don't think so. I just happen to think one disaster area is better than two. Further, one is already evacuated. Insensitive? No more so than people wanting Texans to be hit by a storm. Does it matter? Absolutely not. I don't happen to have any control over a storm. But I know someone who does...


Blogger SG said...

I totally agree with you here. Still I feel a little guilty.

Saturday, September 24, 2005 5:43:00 PM  

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