Sunday, October 08, 2006

You Can Call Me Al

I suppose I owe an apology to our small group. Oh, I suppose I didn’t do anything especially offensive-at least not that I was aware of- but in retrospect I may have recently been a real downer as I revealed some of the kinds of thoughts that knock around uninvited inside my head.

For instance, can I as a Christian with an awareness of the world in which I live, experience joy in anything other than salvation? If I do happen to experience joy must I then feel guilty because of this awareness?

On one hand, one might suggest that it is perfectly natural to find joy in one’s family. Without question, I must admit that I do take joy in my family. I am married to a beautiful, poised, smart and gracious (thankfully) girl who has given me the three greatest kids that walk this earth. But, is it okay for me to take joy in my circumstances when in the back of my head there is the knowledge that there are families existing in continuous tragedy on the other side of the world, the other side of town, indeed- the other side of the fence? Can I close my mind to the fact that children are being neglected or abused at the hands of those who are charged with their parentage and/or care?

What about beauty in art and nature? Is it at all possible for me to appreciate something- even something created by God- when there are people living in oppression that will never see beyond their cell walls or perhaps beyond the area in which they are forced in to servitude? Am I elevating myself to thank God for such things when others are not getting the opportunity to see them?

Don’t get me wrong. I know God is the creator of all good things and that in this we are to give Him praise and thanksgiving. But having been around so many who have taken guilt to a high level of perfection, it is hard not to let thoughts like this creep in.
I am not sure what the answer to all of this is. At times I feel a lot like Al Del Vecchio of Happy Days fame as he would occasionally get that far-off look and sing: “What’s it all about?” I wonder the same, but then in rare moments of clarity I decide that God wants us to appreciate good things but still work in this fallen world to help His kingdom break in. Can we appreciate good things? Sure, but not to the degree that we neglect others or opportunities to serve in order to partake of those good things. That is a lesson that is lost on most of us and when I find myself falling into the same trap I again think of good ol’ Al Del Vecchio and nod knowingly and simply say, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah….”

And so, Father, in a very strange way it almost seems like Satan himself is trying to form our prayers when it seems natural and reasonable to pray for balance.



Balance?? When held next to your majesty, anything even resembling equilibrium is folly. All of this world’s problems, the combined total of all experiences from annoying to atrocious of all people since the beginning of time still do not measure up to your power. So even as we struggle with our awareness of this fallen world, help us recognize that our role is not, in fact, to find balance but to seek fullness, to become complete, to be made whole, to sacrifice our entire selves- our entire lives. Regardless of whatever joy or whatever sorrow or guilt we feel, Father, help us to be wholly, completely, entirely- without fraction or distraction devoted to being Christ-like and being His instruments to a fallen world until the not yet is the now, the someday is today, the kingdom is come. To that end- Lord come quickly.

Lord, come quickly.

Thank you…



Uh-oh. I guess I apologize to the rest of y'all now, too.


Blogger Donna G said...

Great thoughts...

But have you considered how oppression often opens one fully to walking in the Spirit. I am sure that some whom we would pity would pity our surface level reltionship with the Father.

I do love the way you put all of this though.....Al!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006 7:15:00 AM  
Blogger Peggy N Texas said...

Let's see..... ! _ - i. Those are the best lines I can make on the computer, quickly anyway!

Enjoyed being with you. Didn't take you for the deep thinker you are showing here! :)

In response to your post, I would say you are robbing God of the "beauty" he has given you if you don't appreciate and revel in his "gifts" of that beauty. It takes more energy to suppress your happiness than to enjoy his beauty. So, I say be aware of the depressive acts around you, and help when and where you can, but enjoying the beauty all the while. Balance is certainly part of it but I believe guilt and depression are a form of self-seeking attention that causes us to look "inward" instead of "outward" and focus on the wrong things.

That being said, have a great day!!!

Thanks again for the joy of laughter and fun at Zoe. It was good to be with the "inner sanctuary" and share in what my friend is around all the time!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006 8:44:00 AM  
Blogger Clint said...

it is nice to know i am not the only person with voices in my head.

true love?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:53:00 AM  

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