Saturday, November 03, 2007

Dad Update

Well, I'm not sure we know a lot, but one of the doctors from M.D. Anderson called and said that a consortium of at least 20 physicians met and decided Dad probably has a hybrid of lymphoma and leukemia. Given that hybrids are all the rage, this probably as close to being in style as Dad has ever been. At any rate, they think this will not move as agressively as lymphoma, but nor will it move as slowly as leukemia. The treatment, then, should be similar- not as agressive as for lymphoma but more agressive than would be typical for leukemia. When they start and for how long they will continue are still uncertain.

Now, on another and more tragic matter, a young lady named Monica lost a physical battle with cancer last night. She was a 5th grader where my kids go to school. I defy anyone to tell me how things like a child with cancer can in any way exist in the same realm as the popular interpretation of the Prayer of Jabez. Tragedy and luxury cannot co-exist. It is like a mathematical equation. A negative multiplied by a positive still yields a negative product. While we may think of luxury as a positive thing, when applied to the negative of a lack of sacrifice and concern for others, the product is still tragic.

Come quickly.


Blogger Stephen Bailey said...

In regards to your last post: Cope told me to take what people say in these situations as the best they have to offer, regardless of how dumb the comment might be. Stephanie and I remind each other of that A LOT!

Your hybrid comment about your dad being in style made me laugh and I appreciate laughter wherever I can find it. I have the feeling you do too.

As for Monica, there are of course no words for such a tragedy. Come quickly, indeed.

Sunday, November 04, 2007 7:57:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Knowing more, medically, often does us as much good as knowing more, spiritually. Sometimes it seems like the more we come to understand God's true nature, the less we truly understand. And, then we, as men and women of faith, can join you in saying, "Come quickly."

Monday, November 05, 2007 6:22:00 AM  

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