Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Addie is now 9!

If you don't know this little girl, I just have to tell you, she is an absolute hoot! If you do know her, the chances are pretty good that you are listening to her tell some incredibly long account of some event you already witnesses or know about and you are rolling your eyes right about...now.

You also know exactly where you stand with her. She wears every emotion out on her sleeve for the world to see, which is refreshing. I can say that because much more often than not those emotions are sweet. Even when they're not sweet, they can be funny. Before she learned how to talk she had words she would repeat in situations consistent with how some might use expletives. If something or someone made her mad she would point at us and say "BOTZ!" and we would know we were being cussed out in baby language. She will quite possibly be the most emotionally healthy person I know since she holds nothing in. She drew a cartoon the other day that was an absolute scream (maybe I'll post it later) and she just explained matter of factly that it was just one of the ways she gets her anger out. Well, more power to her. (I tend to hold a grudge and I know that doesn't work.)

Anyway, Addie, I am so glad you were born. You make things fun and interesting everywhere you go. We love you, stinkpot. Happy Birthday.


Blogger summer said...

I remember taking care of that cutie in the nursery when she was around 1 or 2...and now she's 9! I feel really old now.

We are looking forward to meeting our Addie in about 8 weeks. We're naming her Adeline Kate, but we'll call her Addie Kate.

Anyway, Happy Birthday to your sweet girl!

Monday, July 28, 2008 12:48:00 PM  

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