Tuesday, June 28, 2005

It has been a full week. Full days at work followed by full evenings of baseball. Admittedly, this is part of the reason I have not been blogging as much as I used to, but I think there is more to it than that. Sometimes, I just don't have that much to say.

My interest in writing is in inverse proportion to the number of people reading, oddly enough. As I find out more people are reading this nonsense, I feel compelled to make it more worth reading. To do this, it becomes necessary to devote more time to pondering subject matter and even doing research. I don't have time for that. Nonsense really is my muse, if you will (or even if you won't).

I also subscribe to the notion that sometimes silence is golden. There are plenty of people who already like to hear themselves speak even when they have nothing to say. Perhaps that is why I sometimes have a hard time engaging with people. I am somewhat satisfied not to. I do not feel a desperate need to be a socialite. Instead I feel a need to hang out with my family.

All that having been said, I am left with this notion of blogging about nonsense with occasional flashes of mediocrity and wondering if it conflicts with all of this. Maybe it does; I don't know. But if a blog is a personal journal, nonsense fits. If it is worthy publishing, punditry appears to be the flavor people prefer. To heck with the fact that most topics have already been talked to death; one more voice is critically needed.


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