Friday, July 02, 2004


Six days ago we visited the Abilene Animal Shelter. In retrospect, I understand that once that decision has been made you own a new dog. The only remaining questions are how many and what flavor.

The flavors of dog at the shelter are seldom pure and just like the sodas my kids create at open soda fountains the ingredients are not always discernible. One common thread, however, is that most of these animals are on death row. It's a heavy thought as you walk through the puppy wing, or as you see sweet dogs that were obviously loved and cared for once upon a time or even as you walk through the rather large section of pit bulls (shudder).

We came home with Ella. As of today she is still on the home page of She is the Great Dane puppy at the lower right corner. Actually, I think she is a Great Dane/Boxer mix. She really does have a sweet disposition and seems quite smart at four months old. I think she'll be a nice addition to the family.

At first, I cringed at the thought of how my yard might be affected. But if I pause to remember yards I have enjoyed, I most often have memories of fun times instead of weedless, evenly cut meadows. Of worn places where the pitcher stood. Of bare spots under a rope swing. Of short-cuts to the neighbors. Of burned patches from an honest mistake with fireworks. Honestly, I am proud that my yard has no weeds, but more proud of the memories being made there by our family and friends. So go ahead Ella. Live out your pardon here. Just clean up after yourself and we'll get along fine.


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