Monday, August 16, 2004

Michal Kate's Fair Shake

I am often approached by people asking for an Addie story and usual there are good ones to tell. However, seldom does anyone ask for a story about Michal Kate. It is not that people don't adore her, because everyone does. But Michal Kate is more of a fly-under-the-radar kind of girl for people outside her immediate family.

For instance, Michal is a very prissy little girly girl. She love lace and bows and kittens and watching Full House. She loves to dance and giggle and snuggle. She has always had strong opinions about fashion and social behavior. In light of some of this, we were trying at one point to emphasize things other than shallow matters by praising her for her helpful nature and for how kindly she treats others. We also told her how smart she was and on and on when she interrupted us and said "And- I am in STYLE!"

Well, in light of these tendancies, tonights story was even more striking. You see, at meet the teacher the other afternoon, I had heard one of Michal's little friends touting the virtues of having a secret handshake and trying to convince Michal and another friend that they neede to create one- and fast. Riding along in the truck tonight Kendra was asking Michal if they had come up with one. When Michal assured her that they had, Kendra asked her where they used it.

"Well," Michal began. "We don't do it in the class. Actually we don't even do it indoors now that I think about it because for part of it you have to spit."

I almost wrecked the truck laughing. I love my family.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Val. Ran across your blog. Good stuff man. Good stuff.

Remember Harding Academy?

Tuesday, August 17, 2004 4:42:00 PM  
Blogger Jenni said...

That is so hilarious!

Tuesday, August 17, 2004 7:18:00 PM  
Blogger Brandon Scott Thomas said...

I'm glad to know Michal is finally spitting.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:58:00 AM  

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