Easley Does It
I have a friend; we'll call him Mr. Easley. I call him that because he spells his name E-A-S-L-E-Y. Anyway, Mr. Easley and I have known each other for several years. I think it is safe to say that he is proud of the fact that you might describe his personality as caustic. (I am not sure at this point if I am the pot or the kettle.)
Our relationship has been interesting. He has openly criticized me for my faith saying things like "Religion is for fools that don't know better" or "Christianity is just a crutch for weak people." When I was sharing with him how my sister was such a great witness of faith in the face of her death, he even ridiculed that. Another sign of the coming apocalypse is that I did not lash out in rage at him for saying such things. Instead I would usually just tell him I was sorry he felt that way and I hoped that some day he would feel differently. The fact is, he had a softer center than he wanted to portray. Through the years, I have seen him do many things to help others less fortunate and I thought there might be potential in him. I occasionally asked him to come to Highland. He quickly refused except for once when he knew I would be singing. He said it was okay but just not something he wanted to waste his time with. I continued with my approach of just being his friend and offering to be there whenever he needed something.
Well, the reason I am writing about this right now is that I think there may have been a slight breakthrough this week. You see, Mr. Easley called me this week needing some legal help with a situation in a case in a Dallas court. I am not an attorney, but for whatever reason, people think I have contacts. I keep trying to tell them that I only minored in racketeering becase ACU did not offer it as a major, but still they seem to think I am some sort of "player." Anyway, I agreed to help him as much as I could. After making some calls, I called Mr. Easley last night to give him an update. Before hanging up, I reiterated that I wanted to help him any other way if I could. He responded by quietly asking me to pray for him and his family. That was big. I promsised him I would and I have kept that promise. So, I am asking anyone who might stumble across this blog to do the same. I cannot give details, but please pray for this young man's family and that this situation will be resolved and that through it God will receive glory.
That would be cool.
Our relationship has been interesting. He has openly criticized me for my faith saying things like "Religion is for fools that don't know better" or "Christianity is just a crutch for weak people." When I was sharing with him how my sister was such a great witness of faith in the face of her death, he even ridiculed that. Another sign of the coming apocalypse is that I did not lash out in rage at him for saying such things. Instead I would usually just tell him I was sorry he felt that way and I hoped that some day he would feel differently. The fact is, he had a softer center than he wanted to portray. Through the years, I have seen him do many things to help others less fortunate and I thought there might be potential in him. I occasionally asked him to come to Highland. He quickly refused except for once when he knew I would be singing. He said it was okay but just not something he wanted to waste his time with. I continued with my approach of just being his friend and offering to be there whenever he needed something.
Well, the reason I am writing about this right now is that I think there may have been a slight breakthrough this week. You see, Mr. Easley called me this week needing some legal help with a situation in a case in a Dallas court. I am not an attorney, but for whatever reason, people think I have contacts. I keep trying to tell them that I only minored in racketeering becase ACU did not offer it as a major, but still they seem to think I am some sort of "player." Anyway, I agreed to help him as much as I could. After making some calls, I called Mr. Easley last night to give him an update. Before hanging up, I reiterated that I wanted to help him any other way if I could. He responded by quietly asking me to pray for him and his family. That was big. I promsised him I would and I have kept that promise. So, I am asking anyone who might stumble across this blog to do the same. I cannot give details, but please pray for this young man's family and that this situation will be resolved and that through it God will receive glory.
That would be cool.
Val - Thank you for the opportunity to share in your ministry to Mr. Easley. I'll be lifting him and his family up. Keep being who God made you to be. You are a blessing.
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